SnowShoe White

SnowShoe White

Belgian Wit

Malt: Pilsner, White Wheat, Flaked Wheat, Flaked Barley, Acidulated

Hops: Saaz

Other: Bitter orange peel, cumin spice added in the boil

IBUs: 12 Int'l Bittering Units

ABV: 4.5% Alcohol by Volume

Available: Year-Round

Hop in to a glass of a traditional style wit beer, with some Midnight Sun personality. Refreshing and effervescent, Snowshoe White displays it’s malt character with citrus, wheat, and bread dough flavors, while the yeast adds a delicious fruity component.

Spices create a pleasantly aromatic and exotic flavor that lingers and blends with the overall refreshing and tart nature of a Belgian wit. A great session beer that won’t leave you out in the cold.

Click here to learn where to purchase Midnight Sun beers